Filing Amendments in Initiating National Phase of PCT applications in Russia
You should differentiate between the amendments registered on the International Phase and those
you want to introduce on the National Phase.
In order to pass the formal preliminary examination in Russia and transfer the PCT application to the National Phase
it is necessary to file the specification and claims registered by the International Bureau. If the applicant wants to introduce other amendments on the National (Regional) Phase, he can file them also,
provided theey do not go beyond the filed invention.
So, specification and claims published or bearing the stamp of the International Bureau should by all means be sent to the agent for initiating the National and Regional Phase.
In respect of the Regional Phase in the Eurasian Patent Office there is an advantage: the Eurasian Patent Convention allows to introduce new independent claims on the Regional Phase
provided the invention(s) were disclosed in the applications. The Russian legislation allows anly dependent claimsdo not exceed the subject matter disclosed on the International Phase.
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