Information and Comments on Intellectual Property Matters


In many countries it is customary to register marks identical to the names of well known literary personages, heroes of mythology, Christian names. The advantages of such registrations are apparent enough: such names are positively apprehended by the public, they usually convey good notion and attract the customers. The other side of the medal is that this phenomenon is universally known and many firms working in different areas try to exploit the names for their benefit. We thought it reasonable to inform our prospective clients of the names registered in our country as trademarks which we came across during our actitities, so that they could decide whether it is worth trying to register such names in Russia.
Given below are the names we encountered and the number of registrations. It should be born in mind that the numbers may not be accurate. Many of the above names are parts of multi-word or combinative marks. The mere fact that the names have already been registered does not mean that they may not be registered again in certain classes and as parts of other marks. What this actually means is that before filing applications for such marks one should implement preliminary works, for example the comparative analysis of the marks by classes of International classification of goods and services.

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