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Medical Center "TAVLADA" has developed and reduced to practice a methology for diagnosis of oncology diseases on early stages and method of their effective treatment.

The diagnostic method is based on estimation of the state of the immune and blood generating system as a whole and the effectiveness of the anti-growth immunity, i.e. the functioning of the mechanism of the anti-growth protection.

The method consists of the serial sampling of the capillary blood before and after the assaying taking (introduction) of the specific immune stimulating drug and subsequent microscopic analysis of the cellular content of the blood samples obtained.

The procedure of taking the blood samples takes about 30 minutes, further processing of the blood smears and analysis - 1 to 2 hours. The method is easy to implement and does not demand expensive equipment. The sensitivity of diagnosis for various types of oncological diseases is between 70-97%, specificity - not less than 90%.

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