Filing of trademark applications in Russia
To file the application in Russia we will need the following materials:
- a) the mark - 10 copies for logo, for ordinary word mark just identify the word.
The logo should be printed on 8x8 cm pieces of paper. We can do the prints ourselves from any original;
- b) list of goods and services with identification of classes. Additional indexing could be done by our experts in case of necessity;
- c) full official name, address and residence of the applicant (legal entity);
- d) priority data; if priority is claimed we will need the priority application certified by the Patent Office which received the first application;
- e) duly executed Power of Attorney to enable our attorneys represent the applicant in the Russian Patent Office. No notarisation of this document is necessary.
For a word mark also might be provided explanation of its meaning or the idea it implies. If there is no meaning, described should be the method of formation of the mark, for example, abbreviation, acronym, etc.
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