Information and Comments on Intellectual Property Matters

Comparison of Russian and American technical potential on the basis of patent information analysis.

The Russian information sources might be very helpful in doing a prior art searches or an information research.

In the end of 80-ties in the Soviet Institute for Patent Information there were conducted works on comparative analysis of Soviet and American science potential based on patent information. It was shown that in many areas the number of patent documents granted to Soviet inventors exceeded that of the USA. It is even more significant if we take into account that in the USA about fifty percent of the total number of patents issued annually by the PTO were owned by foreign inventors, whereas in the USSR foreign applicants accounted for only about 7 percent. The most significant superiority of the USSR in the number of patent documents was found to be in the following areas:

TECHNICAL AREA              Number of Patents in 1976-1986

                                   USA            USSR

MINING INDUSTRY                   24487          53357

METALLURGY                        15001          30069

HEAT TECHNOLOGY                   25745          26986

METAL PROCESSING                  33775          71823

CONSTRUCTION                      24699          31257

AGRICULTURE                       22284          31601

MEASUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT        82346         120114    
In addition there were outlined the areas in which the patent activity of USSR was at least not much lower than that of the USA, namely:

TECHNICAL AREA              Number of Patents in 1976-1986

                                    USA        USSR

DETAILS OF MACHINES AND DRIVES:    54582       40718

TRANSPORT                          25549       20431                                      

COOKING                            12846       11311

Source: Tendencii rasvitia krupnykh napravleniy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa
        v promyshlenno razvitykh stranakh. (Technichal trends in industrially developed countries)
        Moscow. VNIIPI, 1989.

These data could be interpreted as clear indication of quite substantial development of the corresponding areas in our country. So, when one is doing a prior art search it is worth the effort to look through the Russian sources.
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