Russia is a party to the Paris Conventionа and well known marks could enjoy protection in the Russian Federation. Pursuant to art. 6 bis of the Paris Convention, the owner of a markа acknowledged to be well known can get priority over other applicants for identical or similarа trademark registration.


But until recently the procedure of recognition of the marks as well known was not fully worked out in Russia and that is why there actuallyа were no cases of acknowledging any marks to be well known.


On June 17, 2000 this was cured, entered into force were the "Rules for acknowledging trademarks as well known in the Russian Federation", worked out by the Russian Patent Office. The Rules define the procedure for filing the Request for acknowledgement of a mark to be well knownа and certain formal requirements such documents should meet; the Rules alsoа disclose legal provisions concerning protection of well known marks in Russia.


ааааааааааааааа The main features of the legal protection of well known marks in Russia are as follows.


1. Acknowledged in Russia could be the marks already registered in Russia or notа yet registered marks, if they became universally known amongа certain groups of consumers as the result of their intensive usage.


2. A mark could be acknowledged well known in Russia in respect of certain goods and services.

Russia is not yet a party to the WTO and, consequently, signatory to TRIPS, and that is why the well known marks have their effect within the goods and services, in respect of which they were acknowledged well known. So, under the Russian trademark law there will be no possibility to take actions against a person, who chooses to sell beer "SONY" or jeans marked "TOYOTA", even though these marks are acknowledged well known in their respective spheres.

аIt would be possible, however, to take actions against such an entrepreneur under the unfair competition law and having the mark acknowledged well known will be an advantage.


3. A mark is acknowledged well known as of certain date.

Pursuant to art. 6 bis of the Paris Convention, a non-registered mark, if it is acknowledged well known, could lead to nullification ofа registration of a similar mark in respect of similar goods and services,

provided the date on which it was acknowledged well known precedes the priority date of theа interfering mark. The owner of a mark acknowledged well known will enjoy full trademark rights for the mark.


This provision cures to some extent the absence of grant of rights for the mark based on its actual usage in the Russian Federation.


If a person registers a mark in Russia in respect of certain goods and services (or just files trademark application), the owner of a similar mark, which has been intensively used in Russia previously, may try to prove that its mark was well known in Russia as ofа the date, preceding the priority date of the

other mark, in respect of similar goods and services, and thus obtain protection for its mark, depriving the indecent competitor of its registration.


It is also believed that having a mark acknowledged well known will help in dealing with cybersquatters, who register other firms' marks as Internet domain names. Also a mark, recognised as well known, would be a strong additional advertising factor.а


4. In order to have a trademarkа acknowledged well known in Russia, one has to file a special request with the Supreme Patent Board of the Russian Patent Office. Having undergone the formal examination, theа filed request proceeds on to the consideration. Since the Supreme Patent Board is an appellate body of the Russian Patent Office, i.e. a sort of special patent court, the procedures in it are similar to judicial ones. During the hearings the party of the applicant and the Patent office examiner, being an opponent, each produce their arguments to the Chair, which listens to both partiesа and after the councilа the decision on whether the mark is or is not acknowledged well known is announced. Naturally, before the hearings the Request is examined by the nominated patent examiner, who prepares questions to be askedа andа aspects to be discussed with the seeking party during the hearings.


If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Supreme Patent Board, it may file an appealа in court.


5. Stated in the Request for acknowledging a markа well known should be the goods and services, in respect of which the rights are claimed, and the date on which the mark supposedlyа became well known. Also the Request should contain specimen of the mark, data on the applicant, and the data confirming that the mark is well known.


6. Actually, the Request is prepared in the form of a survey or report, containing structured factual data on intensive use of the mark with attachments illustratingа the mark's usage.а


There are no strict requirements as to the contents of the Request, the Rules only enumerate some data which it would be useful to include into the Request.


Based on the Rulesа and on other sources, as well as from our own experience, we would recommend to include the following data into the request:


a) Characteristic of the market and the applicant's position on it.


- volume of sales of products marked by the trademark, by the years andа overall.

- number of sold items

- number of clients, consumers, purchasers of the goods, their social level, theа circles they belong to;

- share of the market occupied by the applicant and its products

- positive dynamics of all data

- geography of sales, i.e. in how many places the goods and services are sold.


b) advertising

-ааааа expenditures for advertising of the marked products;

-          advertising channels - TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, special editions, leaflets and advertising stands;

-          number of releases,а copies with the advertising materials, circulation, characteristic of the audience;

-          Internet web sites, its citation indexes and references, number of visitors;

-ааааа participation in exhibitions, presentations, etc. with stating the level and number of visitors, participants.


c)ааа The marketing network and sale channels

-          number of dealers, wholesale and retail traders, shops;

-          service centers, promotions.


d)       data of sociological surveys, polls, confirming that the mark is known among the population and consumers.

e)       value of the mark, information on trademark licensing, franchising;

f)        Publications in mass media on the marked products, acknowledged opinions of the market analysts, the ratings, etc.;

g)ааа notoriety of the mark in various countries.


There might be plenty of other data. Concrete set of the needed information is determined for each client with account of its business in the course of preparation of the Request.

We can prepare a specialised list of needed data for the specified applicant, taking into account peculiarities of its business.

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